The government has announced help to those looking to self build their own homes. £150million has been put a side by the Department for levelling up, housing and communities to allow people to borrow 95% of the homes…but they will have to find the land and gain the planning permission. It is only available to those building a house to live in and is capped at £600,000 or £400,000 if you already own the land. They will also have to have planning permission in place prior to accessing the funding. In a move that shadows the popular help to buy scheme the government loan part of the funding will be interest free for the first five years.
A big congratulations to Steve Nuttall who is celebrating his 40 years at Aldreds and is our third longest serving member of staff. Not wanting a fuss Steve will be enjoying a weekend away in North Norfolk to celebrate his milestone! For many years Steve was the manager of our Great Yarmouth sales office. He shortened his hours and stepped back from this role a few years ago and became best described as our trouble shooter – carrying out viewings, inspections and office cover. A few years ago he decided he liked the outdoors life and started doing the for sale boards for three of our offices. Well done Steve!
As predicted yesterday the government has announced they intend to end to section 21 no fault evictions in England. More details from the government will follow.
The Daily Mail are reporting that the government will shortly release their rental reform white paper. It is expected to propose changes to things such as no fault evictions and the keeping of pets. Watch this space for updates!
The help to buy scheme is due to close end of March 2023. Introduced in 2013 to help home buyers purchase brand new properties with only a 5% deposit with a further 20% being loaned to them from the government. The 20% was an equity loan and the amount due to paid back rises and falls if the value of the house changes. Its sister scheme, the help to buy ISA closed to new applicants in 2019 with the 25% bonus still payable as long as a house is purchased using the scheme by 1st December 2030. We are yet to see if the schemes will be replaced but this is definitely something to bear in mind if you are a first time buyer planning to purchase a new home on a 5% deposit!