We are delighted to offer enhanced photography and video tours. Excellent presentation and marketing is key to achieving the best price for our clients. It is also helps us achieve sales as quickly as possible! If you have a house to sell call us now!
Maybe you have been browsing property listings in your spare time and dreaming about buying a new home. But how do you know if it is actually the right time for you to sell your current home? While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, there are some tell-tale signs that the time is now. Here are seven of the most common signs that it’s definitely time for you to sell your home. 1. You know you’ll make a profit The best time to sell your home is during a seller’s market. And we are definitely in a seller’s market right now. There is a record-low inventory of existing homes for sale and huge buyer demand. When you put your home on the market now, you can feel confident knowing that you will most likely sell quickly and for a good price. 2. Your neighbour just made a killing on their home When you’re looking at homes for sale online, take a look at recently sold homes in your area as well. If there are other homes near you that are comparable in terms of size and amenities and they sold for a price you’d be excited about, then now is a good time for you to sell, too. 3. You’re feeling financially overextended While making a big profit is a good reason to sell your home, wanting to get out from under that debt is also a sign that it’s time to sell. The pandemic has created financial challenges for millions of Britain’s. Struggling to make your mortgage payments is a terrible feeling. If you’re risking foreclosure, then now is a good time to sell your home and find something more affordable. 4. You need more (or less) space One big reason that many people are selling right now is that they need more space. If you’re now working from home, thinking about increasing your family or having an elderly relative move in, then you may need more space. Conversely, you may also need less space if your kids have grown up and moved away from home. If your current home no longer meets your needs, then that’s a sign that it’s time to sell. 5. You’re tired of the maintenance Some homes need more work than others. If you’re getting tired of putting money into endless repairs and maintenance, then that’s a sign it could be time to move on. Consider relocating to a home that needs less work, such as a new build. 6. Your kids are getting ready to start school Another compelling reason to sell your home is that your kids are now old enough to attend school. If the schools in your district don’t meet your expectations, then it’s time to move. Focus your search on homes that are in good school catchment areas so that you feel confident you’re sending your kids to a high-quality school. 7. You can’t stop daydreaming about a new home Sometimes there isn’t necessarily a concrete reason that you want to sell your home. You may simply discover that you can’t stop daydreaming about living somewhere else. Perhaps you crave certain amenities that you don’t have in your current place, or you just need a change of scenery. Trust your gut, as this can be a strong sign that it’s time to move on. Need more moving advice? Aldreds Estate Agents has been hand-selected by Relocation Agent Network to be East Norfolk & North East Suffolk's Local Expert when it comes to buying, selling, and renting. Contact us today at 01493 844891 to find out more.
For decades now there has been an exodus of house hunters moving to East Anglia from London and surrounding areas. Traditionally many have come for retirement or earlier retirement. However, with the increase of home and flexible working there appears to be the early signs of more working age people heading to this area. Attracted by more affordable house prices, fantastic countryside and the dry weather! Aldreds expose your property to these buyers by our fantastic online presence utilising our website, the property portals and our social media. We are also members of the UK’s #1 network of independent estate agents which allows us to network our properties all over the country to relocating buyers. If you are thinking of selling call us now to discuss how we can help you!
Time is running out to take advantage of the stamp duty holiday that ends 30th September 2021 up to £250,000 for people buying their primary residence. After this date the stamp duty rates will reset with the 2% threshold starting at £125,000 with first time buyers exempted up to £300,000. With just over 10 weeks to go you still have time to beat the deadline. Call us now so we can talk you through hat we have available!
Aldreds are 164 years old today. Samuel Aldred received his auctioneers licence way back in 1857!